How do I Apply for Undergraduate Experience- Based Learning Credit?

Students with significant ministry experience prior to enrolling at SUM may be eligible to apply for some experience- based learning credit to be applied to some of their ministry practicums or other classes.

SUM recognizes the validity of learning through life experience, joining hundreds of other

colleges and universities, as well as keeping with the practical nature of the Pentecostal-

charismatic tradition.

Students seeking Experience-Based Learning Credit1 will register for the course Portfolio Development in their first Fall trimester.


Generally, credit is given for Experiential Learning in specific course areas such as Biblical Preaching, Counseling, or other church ministry. Students must apply these credits toward the requirements of their particular degree plan. Students receive a Manual of Experience-Based Learning when they enroll in the course, Portfolio Development.


At the close of the trimester, students submit their portfolios for evaluation to the Portfolio

Assessment Committee in consultation with the Chief Academic Officer of SUM Bible College

and Theological Seminary. After the committee evaluates the student’s portfolio, they will

approve or deny credit for the portfolio based on the courses for which it will suffice. The

the decision of the Portfolio Assessment Committee is considered final. Sufficient documentation must be submitted and verified for the evaluation.

A student may apply for practicum credits and other course work, not to exceed 25% of the degree program, 24 credits for the BA program

Credits may not substitute for the Evangelism Conference & Outreach (ECO). Experience-based learning credits are not available for the AA degree or any graduate degree. Experience-based learning credits generally will not transfer to other institutions because they often have their own policy. SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary is not bound by the decisions of other institutions for such credits and will make an independent evaluation.