What is a Practicum Leader Evaluation?

The practicum leader evaluation is an opportunity for the practicum leader to provide feedback to the student on areas of skill and areas of improvement related to the practicum placement.

Practicum is a setting where students have the opportunity to put into practice the lessons they are learning in their academic classes. These hands on ministry experience should stretch them and their practicum leaders should provide both encouragement and challenge along their ministry training journey. 

During Week 9, students should initiate the Practicum Leader Evaluation

The link can also be found in the student’s practicum course in canvas. The Practicum Leader should give feedback about the student’s attendance, participation, attitude, abilities, etc. The student will receive a confirmation of the evaluation score. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their Practicum Leader fills out the evaluation for the term. The student must upload the confirmation up to the assignment in Canvas. 

The student should meet with the practicum leader to review their evaluation at the end of the term specifically asking about areas of improvement

This is a great opportunity to ask questions including, what am I doing well? And how can I grow? This type of feedback is a powerful tool in the process of ministry development.


The practicum leader evaluation is a required assignment for every practicum course.

It represents 30% of the total grade for the course so it is important that the student confirm that their practicum leader completes the evaluation. It is suggested that the student schedule a meeting with the practicum leader in week 9 to ensure that the evaluation is completed.